Where to buy ‘The Witch and the Rose’

So now that The Witch and the Rose is out and available for purchase, I thought I’d get around to making a nice little post here telling you where you can buy it!
For those who (somehow) missed it, my debut (non-graphic) novel The Witch and the Rose is now available for purchase. It’s a contemporary fantasy novel. It’s got a witch, it’s got queer people, it’s occasionally a little spicy, it has the occasional bleed through of my witchcraft opinions… it’s fun! It’s the first book in a series, and I think folks will enjoy it.
So let’s talk about how folks can buy it!
For one, it’s on Kindle (also, if you pay for Kindle Unlimited, you can read it right now for free), but there’s also a dead tree version too. While eBooks are exclusively through Amazon right now, the dead tree version comes in two (identical) forms. First off, there’s the version listed on Amazon. This is the fastest way to get it, and probably the version with the cheapest shipping (since it qualifies for Prime).
I know some folks don’t like Amazon though, which is why there’s a separate Paperback edition done through a different printer. You can either order that directly, or booksellers can order via ISBN 9798869132666.
Those are all the ways you can pick up the novel. So, to quote the eminent critic Jay Sherman, “Buy my book!”