It's hard to tell how vulnerable to be on the internet anymore. How safe it it to be so exposed. Twenty years ago I'd just pour anything I was feeling into this space. While I filtered things for other people's privacy, I never filtered my own feelings.
But I stopped at some point, and this turned into a place where I just promoted my projects and gave generic, general updates. It meant I posted less and less, and I know I'm trying to turn that around. When you make stuff like comics and books and try to talk about them and promote them online, there's a pressure to be positive constantly. Like when you're actively trying to provide paths for escapism for people, a lot of people get unhappy when you drag reality into things.
But things are stressful.
Sometimes we're just holding ourselves together with tape and string, and hoping no one notices. Besides the massively important Wisconsin Supreme Court election on Tuesday (vote Crawford by the way), the outside world isn't the only pressure. My grandmother is going into hospice, and that brings its own set of stuff. I've got a family of people who are all concerned about everyone else's well being, and not enough people taking care of themselves.
And, like, for the record, I am fine. I will be fine. We have a lot of fighting to do, and I have no intention of giving up. But, like, shit is stressful, y'know? And I think it's important to acknowledge that stress. I write these things not because I need support, but to acknowledge that they exist. To say "sometimes things are hard and we're all human."
Because we are.
And me move forward as best we can.
Remember that on April 5th at 11AM Eastern/10AM Central you can join me for the Critical Thinking Witches' Collective's April Brew virtual event! Attendance is free, and you can register here!
About the Comic
UnCONventional is a comic that ran from December 2009 to December 2019 about the staff of a small town anime convention and their lives. This is a complete online archive of the comic.
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