Current Post On Trae’s Blog:
- Traegorn

But no matter what happens tomorrow, no matter what the result is, the fight is far from over. ICE agents are grabbing people off the streets, our public institutions are being systematically destroyed, and our international and diplomatic relations with historically close allies are just, honestly, fucked right now. Today is Trans Day of Visibility, and trans and queer rights have been under steady attack by the right. As a nonbinary person and member of the trans community, I'm genuinely scared for a lot of my friends right now.
But we fight. We stand up. We survive.
If we accept defeat, we are handing victory to those who want us dead. By living and fighting, we carry on to the next day and then the day after that. I know I posted it right after the election last November, but there's a pretty famous Joe Hill quote everyone should keep in mind: "Don't waste any time mourning. Organize!"
Go out, hug your friends. Build a local community if you can, and get involved in your local politics. Make sure you call your Reps and Senators every day if you can, and for pete's sake fucking vote.
We can make it as long as we don't stop fighting.
Remember that on April 5th at 11AM Eastern/10AM Central you can join me for the Critical Thinking Witches' Collective's April Brew virtual event! Attendance is free, and you can register here!
oh Terrence, you just rolled a 1 on your self-preservation roll.
(and now we see the douchiness inherent in the scumbag)
This is where he needs a good kick in the nuts.
But he rolled a natural 20 on his douchebag roll!
Damn, this guy is leaning hard on the “I’m a jerk” button. When do we get to the part where we find out it’s his fault for not patrolling as he should have. Technically it’s not the con’s fault the chandelier fell, it’s a dumbass attendee.
I depends on when it happened, either before or after the room was signed back over to the hotel.
Not going to lie, getting kind of silly how much of a dick he is.
I am going to guess he is some evil conglomeration of assholes you have met over the years.
I would not doubt that. Since Trae has work in the convention scene for many years and has attended a variety of cons in his lifetime, he has run into some of the biggest jackasses you could ever meet. Although his characters are fictional, they are based a lot on his own experiences in life. trust me, I used to be one of the Assholes he ran into when I was a teenager although I was never as bad as Terrence here.
There were moments I had hope for a redemption arc for Terrance. Those moments are very much over.
Totally brain free….