And here I’m like “Oooooooh you did not just say that.” The two should smack his junk right there considering they probably are close them judging from their height.
It’s occurred to me time and time again then I’ve been considerably lucky with my experiences working the vendors hall. I’ve definitely had problems, but I’ve been fortunate that I’ve never had to deal with a rude or childish vendor. All of my issues have largely been with sight management or the one time security had to escort a thief out while I was getting lunch and the person I’d left in my steed didn’t bother to call me…
At least the times that I’ve run dealers rooms, there was a “right to revoke at anytime” sort of clause. My response would be, “Would you prefer that I call the police or hotel security to have you escorted off the premises?”
Heck, that’s in our Con’s Standards of Conduct. As the top: “Any action or behavior that causes significant interference with convention operations, excessive discomfort to other attendees, or adversely affects Anthrocon’s relationship with its guests, its venues or the public is strictly forbidden and may result in permanent suspension of membership.”
I like specific right to revoke at any time lingo, though. I have.. sorta that in our Dealers Room Packet. I may strengthen.
Closest I’ve ever had to working the Dealer’s Room was when I used to pass through Saturday afternoons with cold water in pitchers plus cups, in a room that had no water service (this was many years ago), on a hot afternoon when the air conditioning died. This met with Napproval that I did it thereafter for years. Yes, I remembered to stand in the middle of the aisle while pouring so as NOT to get any water on the stock in trade. But I didn’t have to locate bootlegs or anything else guaranteed to get the vendor evicted without prejudice.
So I'm just going to come out and say it: My favorite episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation is "Conundrum." It's episode fourteen of season five, and I just deeply love it.
I don't know if it's because I literally just assumed Erich Anderson's Commander McDuff was a random Enterprise officer of the week (which we saw quite often during the show) when I watched it as a kid during the original run, so the twist actually worked on eleven year old me. I don't know if it's because I just like a good "everyone has amnesia" story. I don't even know if it's just because it's a good Ro Laren episode. I don't know if it's just because we learn that Starfleet doesn't give a crap about lasers.
I just like it. It's neat.
And I rewatched it last night, and feel that it holds up -- which is why I found it deeply weird that the folks who wrote the episode actually think it's not that good. My favorite episode of the entire seven season run of the show was a failure according to the folks who wrote it.
And maybe, as a writer and creator, I should remember that.
Like the hardest part of releasing creative works to the public is that often, after a while, I'll start to judge those things far more harshly than when I first made them. Or I'll compare it to the potential I thought an idea had in my head. And if I don't reach that potential, I'll think of it as "bad" -- when it might just be slightly different than that idea. I have one hundred percent published stories that I thought were just sort of okay and later had someone tell me how much it meant to them to read it.
*cough*I Hate November*cough*
So I should make sure I remember Conundrum. That one of my favorite things to rewatch is considered one of those failures by its creators. That the things I make might have value, just not in the way I originally thought they should.
It's just sort of how things work out.
Remember that on April 5th at 11AM Eastern/10AM Central you can join me for the Critical Thinking Witches' Collective's April Brew virtual event! Attendance is free, and you can register here!
About the Comic
UnCONventional is a comic that ran from December 2009 to December 2019 about the staff of a small town anime convention and their lives. This is a complete online archive of the comic.
Now you get the eyes.
And here I’m like “Oooooooh you did not just say that.” The two should smack his junk right there considering they probably are close them judging from their height.
It’s occurred to me time and time again then I’ve been considerably lucky with my experiences working the vendors hall. I’ve definitely had problems, but I’ve been fortunate that I’ve never had to deal with a rude or childish vendor. All of my issues have largely been with sight management or the one time security had to escort a thief out while I was getting lunch and the person I’d left in my steed didn’t bother to call me…
I greatly disliked the one time I worked the vendor room. It was definitely not for me.
…always remember: You asked for it.:
…of all the possible choices, I think he may have just taken the very worst one.
At least the times that I’ve run dealers rooms, there was a “right to revoke at anytime” sort of clause. My response would be, “Would you prefer that I call the police or hotel security to have you escorted off the premises?”
Heck, that’s in our Con’s Standards of Conduct. As the top: “Any action or behavior that causes significant interference with convention operations, excessive discomfort to other attendees, or adversely affects Anthrocon’s relationship with its guests, its venues or the public is strictly forbidden and may result in permanent suspension of membership.”
I like specific right to revoke at any time lingo, though. I have.. sorta that in our Dealers Room Packet. I may strengthen.
Closest I’ve ever had to working the Dealer’s Room was when I used to pass through Saturday afternoons with cold water in pitchers plus cups, in a room that had no water service (this was many years ago), on a hot afternoon when the air conditioning died. This met with Napproval that I did it thereafter for years. Yes, I remembered to stand in the middle of the aisle while pouring so as NOT to get any water on the stock in trade. But I didn’t have to locate bootlegs or anything else guaranteed to get the vendor evicted without prejudice.