Current Post On Trae’s Blog:
- Traegorn

I don't know if it's because I literally just assumed Erich Anderson's Commander McDuff was a random Enterprise officer of the week (which we saw quite often during the show) when I watched it as a kid during the original run, so the twist actually worked on eleven year old me. I don't know if it's because I just like a good "everyone has amnesia" story. I don't even know if it's just because it's a good Ro Laren episode. I don't know if it's just because we learn that Starfleet doesn't give a crap about lasers.
I just like it. It's neat.
And I rewatched it last night, and feel that it holds up -- which is why I found it deeply weird that the folks who wrote the episode actually think it's not that good. My favorite episode of the entire seven season run of the show was a failure according to the folks who wrote it.
And maybe, as a writer and creator, I should remember that.
Like the hardest part of releasing creative works to the public is that often, after a while, I'll start to judge those things far more harshly than when I first made them. Or I'll compare it to the potential I thought an idea had in my head. And if I don't reach that potential, I'll think of it as "bad" -- when it might just be slightly different than that idea. I have one hundred percent published stories that I thought were just sort of okay and later had someone tell me how much it meant to them to read it.
*cough*I Hate November*cough*
So I should make sure I remember Conundrum. That one of my favorite things to rewatch is considered one of those failures by its creators. That the things I make might have value, just not in the way I originally thought they should.
It's just sort of how things work out.
Remember that on April 5th at 11AM Eastern/10AM Central you can join me for the Critical Thinking Witches' Collective's April Brew virtual event! Attendance is free, and you can register here!
Is the con being SWATed, or is there like a legitimate thing happening elsewhere in the hotel/nearby/in the con that’s off panel?
God, this is good…. brings back memories
not sure why but that swat team reminds me of chronicles of crosarth.
Langland, I deleted your comment because you are literally posting spoilers.
Now I’m afraid to post theories in case I accidentally guess correctly…
Aw, what the hell:
Boy, they’re really cracking down on phony fire alarms this year!
Well, you’re allowed to guess — but Langland was physically present for the story I’m recounting, so it’s a bit different. 😛
All I can think is ‘yes Sarah, it’s all about you.’
And that I’m sure I heard a tale about a SWAT, but not recalling details…
Now I’m wondering how many cons have visits from a SWAT team. The story I heard happened 30+ years ago.
So, con disaster karma is like earthquakes along a tectonic fault line, if it doesn’t move for a long time, when it does let go, it goes BIG…
Let me guess, next most likely cause (after some MMO-playing prick — or a rival con — swatting the convention for lulz) is mundanes seeing weapon-carrying cosplayers and freaking?
That would be my real guess
This story happened maybe 5 or 6 years ago. I think it was the last year No Brand Con was at the Ramada Inn at Eau Claire, WI. All I can say I was really scared of not getting shot by the Cops over one Con goer’s stupidity or absent mind or whatever that said con goer was or was not thinking.
But I will try not to try to spoil it because I though Trae would alter the story somewhat which I guess he did with an Underage Drunken Staffer.
And with that said I think Max is tooo Young to be an Adoptive Father to Sarah. There has to be like 15 years of an age difference which means no one at the age of 15 could legally adopt a kid.
a 12 year old and a 16 year old have had kids…
disturbing story? yes…
Yes but I said legal adopt. I know 12 year olds and 16 year olds have kids. It happens every day, in fact it happens a lot up here where I live.
The point is that Max maybe old but he’s not a Old that he could pass as the adoptive father of Sarah. She’d have better chances at convincing Glenn.
Maybe Sarah figures the cops are drunk as well?
I remember this happening
O_O I gotta know what’s going on now.
For some reason I’m reminded of the time a maid mistook the “Toon alarm clock” an attendee brought for their fur parade costume for an actual bomb, and some dopy hotel security guy who had never even SEEN an SF convention called the bomb squad. Joyful highlights include the guy remarking to one of the cops that yes of course he knew it wasn’t real, he just wanted to harass the “queers”. The cop in question was gay. This did not end well for the security guy. Thank you God for your bountiful mercies… 🙂
I’d love to know more about this. is there a link?
Actually that’s pretty much it. It was long enough ago that even the guilty don’t deserve having it raked up for them again, and this is enough for amusement purposes.