I’m impressed at Awesome Roy’s thoughts here. He’s right in that another option does make people choose.. and there’ll be some year in which he might actually be the most seasoned candidate.
A friend of mine once attended the general meeting of an association; upon learning that the director election is just a formality, with the guy who has been in charge since inception being the only candidate, said friend got indignant that it wasn’t really an election, and decided to run himself just for principle’s sake… The other guy pondered for some 10 seconds or so, and then just said, “know what, you get the job” — and so he did! Not exactly the outcome he was aiming for 😉
(I don’t think he minded; but he didn’t make friends while being in charge, and got replaced the next year…)
Tomorrow, April 1st 2025, we have a massively important State Supreme Court election here in the state of Wisconsin. It will decide the balance of the state supreme court, and it's vitally important that we get Susan Crawford elected. Elon Musk has literally poured millions of dollars into Brad Schimel's campaign, and we are fighting for our lives here. I've already voted, and if you haven't yet and you live here... make sure you do.
If we accept defeat, we are handing victory to those who want us dead. By living and fighting, we carry on to the next day and then the day after that. I know I posted it right after the election last November, but there's a pretty famous Joe Hill quote everyone should keep in mind: "Don't waste any time mourning. Organize!"
Go out, hug your friends. Build a local community if you can, and get involved in your local politics. Make sure you call your Reps and Senators every day if you can, and for pete's sake fucking vote.
We can make it as long as we don't stop fighting.
Remember that on April 5th at 11AM Eastern/10AM Central you can join me for the Critical Thinking Witches' Collective's April Brew virtual event! Attendance is free, and you can register here!
About the Comic
UnCONventional is a comic that ran from December 2009 to December 2019 about the staff of a small town anime convention and their lives. This is a complete online archive of the comic.
I’m impressed at Awesome Roy’s thoughts here. He’s right in that another option does make people choose.. and there’ll be some year in which he might actually be the most seasoned candidate.
I think the last year he *was* the most seasoned candidate… Just not the one others would want it the position 🙂
A friend of mine once attended the general meeting of an association; upon learning that the director election is just a formality, with the guy who has been in charge since inception being the only candidate, said friend got indignant that it wasn’t really an election, and decided to run himself just for principle’s sake… The other guy pondered for some 10 seconds or so, and then just said, “know what, you get the job” — and so he did! Not exactly the outcome he was aiming for 😉
(I don’t think he minded; but he didn’t make friends while being in charge, and got replaced the next year…)