So I should probably mention this publicly somewhere, but I stepped down as Convention Director of No Brand Con a couple of weeks ago.
It wasn’t for anything terrible or awful, and I’m not leaving the organization. I’m stepping back into my old Head of Advertising and Public Relations position for the time being, and may take a larger role depending on how things shake out. No Brand Con XX is moving forward in interesting ways.
In truth I never really wanted to be in charge of the organization. In early 2021 though, when Pat stepped down, we were deep into planning a very delayed con and no one else was really prepared or in a position to steer the ship. So I stepped up, because I’d done the job before.
And, not to sound like I have an ego, I’m pretty good at it.
But here’s the thing, I’m in my forties. I don’t have the energy to do the sorts of things like I did in my twenties. I work a more stressful job, I’m trying to run a podcast network at the same time, and my health is drastically different. I’m not dying or anything, but my body can’t take the abuse like it used to.
And, thankfully, unlike a year and a half ago, we have a couple of people who now have the experience to fill those shoes. Well, two people. Because they’re sane, and not dumb enough to try to do it on their own.
Y’know, like I was.
Jun and Chris are going to do a great job with the con, and they have my full faith and confidence.
And, like, also I’m still here. Just not in the drivers seat. So I can occasionally take a nap…